Why enabling personalisation is a no brainer for your eCommerce store in 2022
The time is now, and here’s why
If you haven’t already enabled personslaition on your online eCommerce store, now really is the time to consider doing so.
Personalising your customer’s shopping experience will undoubtedly increase sales, improve customer engagement and lead to greater brand loyalty and an improved user experience.
Staggeringly, data suggests 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers a personalised experience, content and promotions. Data also suggests that eCommerce merchants can typically enjoy a 20% uplift in conversion rates for users that are presented with personalised content.
When selling direct to your consumer, offering personalisation, can also act as an effective strategy in differentiating a product offering to that of through retailer or reseller channels. Research indicates that 40% of shoppers spend more on brands that personalise the shopping experience. It’s a very worthwhile move to enable personalisation through your DTC channel, as the more you engage with your customers directly, the more first-party data you’ll obtain, to understand your customers better. This can help with data-driven decision making and fuel product recommendations, preferences, and loyalty/ambassador programs.
Current landscape
Yet, surprisingly, more than half of eCommerce retailers have failed to enable effective personalisation with their eCommerce business. There’s likely a wide range of reasons why this is the case, such as a lack of data on new customers, a lack of knowledge on implementing a personalisation strategy or having an outdated and no longer fit-for purpose legacy platform.
But 2022 really is the year to act and begin to realise the benefits customisation can bring to your eCommerce business. Personalising a customer’s shopping experience is the key to keeping them satisfied and engaged with your brand. Customers want to feel that you know and understand them. Through enabling personslaition, you can achieve this by helping your customers find the products they like, with relevant product recommendations and promotions that are totally tailored to them.
The result of poor product recommendations and absence of a personslaition strategy?
Customers are likely to be less engaged with your brand and savvy online shoppers will look elsewhere.
Your eCommerce platform should at the very least offer basic personalisation tools, and allow you to create a bespoke, tailored experience through the use of technical integrations, or by allowing you the flexibility to build the required functionality. If your eCommerce platform fails at this and doesn’t give you the ability to tailor your customer’s experiences, then it’s sure time to begin considering a replatforming.
What you’ll need to consider
There are so many powerful, scalable platforms on the market right now, but of course a lot of consideration needs to be made to ensure you pick the winning platform for your business goals.
With a vast array of implementations available and a great deal of variation between the capabilities each platform can provide, understanding what each one can deliver, against what you’re looking to achieve, is critical.
For example, you’ll need to consider whether a platform allows you the ability to reconstruct site layout and structure which is tailored for individual preferences. You may also want to consider whether a platform supports omnichannel and allows you to target the complete customer journey, across different devices and channels. These are just a few of the key considerations you’ll need to make when assessing how each platform stacks us. In order to make the right decision for your business, it’s really important to understand the performance of a platform, but also any limitations too.
Establishing an effective personalised eCommerce experience can seem like a daunting and complex proposition, which involves lots of moving parts. But, with the right set of tools and expert advice at hand, it is very much achievable, and the results can be staggering.
The winning eCommerce brands in 2022 looking to capture greater market share must be agile in their approach and be able to keep up with the ever-changing landscape, and fast pace of change.
Your customers want a personalised shopping experience. Time to act accordingly.