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4 performance enhancing Magento modules

4 performance enhancing Magento modules

Every business nowadays wants to maximise profit (I mean who doesn’t, right?). As time continues to tick in the vast desert known as cyber space, an increasing number of people are using varying methods to get noticed in this over-crowded online world. Some like to use controversy, others exploit their humour “for likes”. Then there’s people like us, who use proven methods to get your brand known.

By utilising the raw power of Magento we are consistently able to deliver results, alongside a great level of satisfaction to our clients. However, we’ve found that using Magento alone sometimes isn’t enough to get the desired result. That’s why there are thousands of performance enhancing modules readily available in the marketplace which really have the capacity to increase Magento’s ability to perform. Among these thousands of modules, I’m going to show you a few which can really impact your business positively (and in most cases, almost instantly). Here are my 4 performance enhancing Magento modules:

1)     Magentix:

Some call it the “Magento recycling bin” others just call it by its name. Well whatever name you give it we’re absolutely certain it’ll come in handy for you! Isn’t it just annoying when you accidentally delete a product (or something along the lines of that)? Well this life saver does exactly what you think it does, instead of getting rid of the file completely, it stores it in a recycling bin so you can recover it if need be. Whilst this extension doesn’t directly “enhance” Magento’s performance, it will definitely save you a lot of time and effort. The best part about it? It’s FREE!

2)     One Page Checkout:

I’ve talked about this in a few of my previous blogs, the one-page checkout is ideal for businesses who believe their checkout process should fit on one landing page. If you decide that a one-page checkout is best for your business, then you should definitely download this module! This module can really enhance your site and can see a substantial rise in your revenue if implemented correctly. To read about the pros and cons of a one-page checkout (that I did a while ago), just click this link.

3)     Social Login:

Just like the One Page Checkout, Social Login’s aim is to shave off seconds from the buying process overall by letting customers use their social media accounts to log in. It has up to 18 social accounts for the user to choose from, ensuring that the customer is likely to find their social media platform of choice! If you are able to integrate Social Login and One Page Checkout seamlessly, it can prove to be a deadly combination for your site.

4)     Easy Template Path Hints:

I asked our expert Magento developer to recommend one module that most people will benefit from, he replied with Easy Template Path Hints (ETPH). ETPH uses Magento’s power to identify paths for developers with ease as opposed to spending large amounts of time trying to find something in the front-end/back-end. This increases productivity as there is less time lost overall when working on a site!

So there you have it, some great modules you can use on your Magento store to really boost productivity and enhance Magento’s power! Remember to leave a comment and thanks for reading! 🙂

Qasim Majid About the author
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