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4 ways to make your site Christmas proof

4 ways to make your site disaster proof this Christmas!

4 ways to make your site disaster proof this Christmas!

Christmas is literally around the corner, I could squeal with excitement! For the sake of everyone’s ears I won’t, however I’ve decided to do a quick article on 4 ways to make your site disaster proof this Christmas!. Put your feet up and enjoy the read. Don’t forget to also have an awesome Christmas!

Make sure you’ll be able to handle the traffic:

One thing that can make your website lose out on a load of sales and potentially make you look unprofessional is not being able to handle high amounts of traffic. If your website can’t keep up with the users on the site, it will either a) slow everything down for everyone on the domain or b) stop people from entering as it will have reached its limit. If you are expecting large amounts of traffic, speak to your hosting provider to possibly discuss another hosting plan which will be more beneficial to you!

Ensure CTAs are clear:

People are still shopping last minute for their presents; guide them around your website with clear call to actions. The aim is to get everyone on to your Christmas sale section; designing a banner is a classic but effective way of doing this. Add some compelling text to it with nice visual imagery that fits your brand image, then hyperlink it to your clearance section and VOILA! You’ve got yourself a deadly combination.

Continually test your site for mobile:

With mobile users overtaking desktop browsers this year, there’s no doubt most of the visitors on your website will be shopping from their handheld device! If your website is not optimised for mobile use, you’re not only going to be driving away traffic, you’ll also be losing out on so many potential sales. What’s important to note is if you make a sale during the Christmas period, a customer may buy off you again in the near future as you will be in the back of their mind. If your website is driving away mobile users, these users may well go to your competition and then become a repeat customer of them. So, not only are you losing out on that one off sale, you may be missing future purchases…Think about that for a minute.

Ensure you’re using the right search feature:

By default, Magento comes with a pretty sub-standard search feature. Those with the default search feature should definitely look to improve it. People are going to be using your search feature over Christmas, so you have to make sure they’re able to find what they’re looking for. There are many ways you can do this:

  1. Improve tolerance of misspellings
  2. Add an auto suggest feature
  3. Use labels/synonyms

I won’t go into these right now as I have already done a Magento website search guide. You can find that here, it will explain all the basic types of search on Magento and how you can add features!

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, 4 ways to make your site disaster proof this Christmas!! We’d just like to announce that after this, Magento Monday will be back on the 4th January. This is to ensure that we can spend time with our families during this holiday period! Happy holidays people 🙂 

Qasim Majid About the author
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