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4 Ways to Re-Use Existing Content for Link Building!

Link Building may be boring but with no conflicts this is the strongest pillar of the complete search engine optimisation process. Another part of the process that consume a lot of time is content, creating content that people love on regular basis is tough & sometimes seems almost impossible.

So, how does one win the search engine rankings & get more valuable visitors, all done whilst wearing a white hat? No easy answer, however, multiple methods do exist that can be used to out rank your competitors with your white hat is on! But there is one thing that most people forget or at least I don’t see most people undertake, the recycling of existing content to open new link building opportunities.

This simply means you are not going to create new content but reuse the same old content using some creative ideas so that the content looks valuable, new & does not create duplicate content issue.

Here are few creative ideas that you can use to target more link building opportunities.


Presentations are one of the creative ways to reuse your content that contain value & open more doors for links coming your way. Take a piece of content & re-do it in the form of PowerPoint presentation with high quality images & one liners.

Presentations are attractive & can easily grab more eye ball & links as compared to just text.


Another way to re-create existing content is infographics. This is quite new & not many people are involved in it. All you have to do is to take the existing piece of content from your blog or knowledge base, extract the data in a word document & drop an email to your designer with the content data & an idea of your infographics.

In the world of link building infographics are also known as link booster, so if your content contain a value & your infographic contains high quality images then you should be all ready for some good amount of social value & links.

Update the blog post

Content takes time because it is not only a person writing in English but a technician writing the analysis report, after the research of multiple hours & in many cases, days.

If you’re a seasoned blogger, you would have written a piece that contains some facts & figures, these are subject to change over time, the idea then, is to update the blog post by finding the latest numbers & change it accordingly.

Email the new link to all the people commented or link to the previous post. People love data & emailing to the people who are already interested in it will be another plus & your piece of content will automatically grab both links & eye balls.

Article it

With the advancements in the field of search engine optimisation, people see the value of article directories significantly dropped down but saying that they are no more valuable is simply not true.

It is always great to re write the same idea of your existing blog post that you write in an article style & submit it to article directories.

Pro Tip

While writing an article, keep in mind that your writing should not create duplicate content issue.

I tried to cover the important ways & ideas that most people tend to ignore. If you have a better idea, please share with us in the comment sections.

Qasim Majid About the author
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