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5 proven methods that can improve your Magento checkout

5 proven methods that can improve your Magento checkout

5 proven methods that can improve your Magento checkout:

Your checkout process is extremely important, as we’re sure you already know. It can either draw in the sales your business needs to grow and prosper, or the complete opposite can happen (we’ll let your imagination decide what that is). This is why your checkout process needs to be as streamlined/smooth as possible. It may never be as smooth as Snoop Dogg, however you can make it a close second! Here are 5 proven methods that can improve your Magento checkout:

Delivery methods:

The user wants to have choice. The more choice they have the more likely they are to finish the transaction. Depending on what type of market you are in, you should be able to offer worldwide shipping. Ie if you sell clothing, it shouldn’t be hard to ship around the globe. However, if you’re in the furniture business, it may be more acceptable to just offer local delivery. Another good point to make is that companies who offer different types of delivery usually see a higher conversion rate. Some customers don’t mind waiting a week for their items to arrive whereas others will need their items within a few days.

Get a trust logo:

Nowadays, scams are a real issue. With the internet being as vast as it is, anyone can fall victim to a scam no matter how competent they claim their online skills to be. A trust logo is used to validate a website’s identity on the internet. With that being said, adding a trust logo helps in providing your users with trust and confidence, thus ensuring that they’re more likely to buy from you. Even if they do not buy from you there and then, they’ll have you in the back of their mind as a trustworthy site and may come back in the future to make a purchase!

Use coupon codes:

During the checkout process, it’s always good to put in extra incentives (where possible) to encourage customers to finish their cart. What better way to convince someone to buy from you than make them feel special with a coupon? It doesn’t necessarily have to be 50% off, it can be as little as a 10%-15% discount. As long as the customer feels like they’re saving something, they’ll feel more obliged to finish buying from you!

Add a guarantee:

This one is literally as simple as it sounds. Throw in a guarantee for the customer so they feel like they have some sort of “safety net” when they buy from you. However, it also depends on your industry. Not all companies are able to offer guarantees due to the nature of their products. For example, if you’re selling socks/underwear it would be really unhygienic for you to take the products back off the customer after being worn. There are generally two different ways to offer your customer a guarantee

  1. Display a guarantee image.
  2. Write that you’re offering a guarantee in text form.

Proof read your content:

You’ve designed a beautiful website, your layout is clean, and the colour pattern is in line with your brand. All the hard work you’ve put in on your website can be tarnished within minutes if your content seems to have any grammatical/spelling errors. Users may take this as being “unprofessional” and it generally is just a massive no-no. After proof reading your content several times, get your co-workers to take a look at it too. Then, after your content has been proof read by yourself and a few others, run it through an online tool. There are many online tools that are more than capable of checking your content within seconds. A good one that we use is Grammarly. Be sure to check them out!

That’s it for this week’s article. If you’re already doing these 5 things, you may also want to check out part 1 of this article. You can find that here! Otherwise, have an awesome Monday 🙂 See you next week!

Qasim Majid About the author
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