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50 of the Best Online Marketing Articles From 2012

2013 is here and it is time to take a look through the very best online marketing articles from the past year. I have compiled and categorised a list of my personal favourites from a range of different authors and collated it into this one article for you to look through. There is some amazing content here so make sure you give it a read and share the authors work if you feel fit. Anyway, enough of me rambling, here are the articles:

Link Building

Link Building Through Blogger Outreach – Paddy Moogan

Link Building Strategies – The Complete List – Jon Cooper

The Most Creative Link Building Post Ever – Jon Cooper

9 More Evil Ways to Build Links – Peter Attia

33 Links & How To Get Them – Justin Briggs

The Noob Guide to Link Building – Michael King

Crazy Link Building Ideas That Work – Jason Acidre

Link Building for the Little Guys – Matthew Barby (excuse the shameless plug of my own content!)

Semantic Web and Link Building without Links > The Future for SEO? – Simon Penson

How Link Building Really Works These Days – Tadeusz Szewczyk

A List of Link Building Lists – Peter Attia

Technical SEO

Grey Hat SEO Techniques That Work – Peter Attia

7 Critical SEO Errors of E-commerce Websites – Sean Work

Which Page is Canonical? – Pete Meyers

Blog Post Optimization – AJ Kohn

How To NoIndex And Organize Categories And Tags In WordPress – John Doherty

10 .htaccess File Snippets You Should Have Handy – Tom Anthony

How I Hijacked Rand Fishkin’s Blog – Dan Petrovic

BlueGlassX – Big Site SEO Triage by Dr. Pete Meyers (SlideShare) – Pete Meyers

Find Your Site’s Biggest Technical Flaws in 60 Minutes – Dave Sottimano

The Beginners Guide to using the Command Line for SEO – Craig Bradford

Social Media

A Crystal Clear Explanation of How Social Media Influences SEO – Meghan Keaney Anderson

Google+ SEO – AJ Kohn

The [Interactive] Guide to Social Media Success – Jasper Martens / Hannah Smith

Guide to the Facebook Open Graph – Phil Nottingham

Google Plus Pages Can Now Act Like Real People – Mark Traphagan

A Retweet From Michael @Arrington is Worth 20K Unique Visits, 3 Job Offers and 20 Interview Requests – Cliff Dailey

How To Get More Comments On Your Articles – Jacob Klein

Don’t build links, build bubbles… – Craig Bradford

How you can get 24 Facebook Likes on your blog post in less than 14 minutes – and why not to bother! – Pak Hou Cheung

People Don’t Buy Things, They Join Things – Pam Moore

Conversion Optimisation

53 Ways to Increase Conversion Rate – Peep Laja

5 Ways to Improve Your Contact Form Conversion Rate – Chuck Longanecker

Ultimate Guide to Effective Landing Pages: 50 Landing Page Best Practices – Ion Interactive

The Conversion Rate Optimization Report – 2012 Stats [Infographic] – Oli Gardner

Building Landing Pages that Rank for SEO – John Doherty

Anatomy of a Successful Landing Page – Amy Nokinsky

Conversion rate optimization tips from top 10 online retailers – Growth Giant

Content Creation & Blogging

Linkbait is not a Content Strategy – John Doherty

Why Big Content Is Worth the Risk – Pete Meyers

The Guide to Developing a Content Strategy for “Boring” Industries – Stephanie Chang

Creating Content For Potential Customers – 011100110110010

AuthorRank & The Future of Guest Posting – James Agate

Search Query Generator for Guest Blogging via Google Spreadsheet – Jayson Bagio

Where To Find Images For Your Blog Articles – Aura Dozescu

Why I Hired A Girl On Craigslist to Slap Me In The Face – Maneesh Sethi

The Blogger Outreach Equation – Kelsey Libert

Does Your Marketing Copywriter Shake It Up? – Barry Feldman

Content Keywords FAQ: How to Use SEO Keywords for Content – Elisa Gabbert

Why I Deleted Your Guest Post Pitch (With Awful Outreach Examples) – Mike Essex

So there you have it, my 50 favourite articles from 2012. Thanks to all of the authors of the content and hopefully you will have found some hidden gems within the list! Oh and I nearly forgot… Happy New Year!

Qasim Majid About the author
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11 years ago

Hey! Thanks for including my article "How Link Building Really Works These Days". Wayne Barker has shared it on Inbound.org but is not the author.

11 years ago

No problem Tadeusz, I have also updated the post to reflect you as the correct author! Sorry about that!


Manish Kumar
11 years ago

I really loved the blog- "Link Building Strategies – The Complete List" by Jon Cooper. It has a clear and very precise definition of what should be the basic structure and approach of link building and how a wrong move of link building can seriously damage your site's worth.

Spook SEO
10 years ago

Thanks for sharing the very best online marketing articles you compiled and categorized a list of your personal favorites from a range of different authors. There is some amazing content here you share in a post; it could be very helpful for the peoples who need review about Link building, SEO, Social media optimization, content creation and blogging and some other points you shared.

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