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8 Famous Brands you never knew were using Magento! View this email in your browser 8 Famous brands you never knew were using Magento!

8 Famous Brands you never knew were using Magento!

8 Famous Brands you never knew were using Magento!

Magento is commonly known as a great platform for SMEs to build a robust and multi-functional online store. However, not only has Magento attracted many thousands of businesses around the world, it has also managed to catch the attention of some very big name brands too. This week’s Magento Monday will focus on a few of these big name brands and their online store. A link to each site will also be included so you can check it out for yourself! Here are 8 famous brands you never knew were using Magento:



This South Korean Tech giant needs no introduction. You may be viewing this article on one of their devices too! Of course, I’m talking about Samsung (if you didn’t already get it from the subheading)!

Website: http://shop.samsung.com/fr/


Olympus is a Japan-based manufacturer of Cameras, Binoculars, Video Recorders etc. They needed a state of the art website and they got one thanks to the website developers and the power of Magento!

Fun fact: Olympus has a majority share of the world market in gastro-intestinal endoscopes. It has a rough 70% share of the market which can be valued at $2.5billion (approximately).

Website: http://www.getolympus.com/


That’s right…the world renowned, America based brand uses Magento to power its online store. Whilst you can’t exactly buy a car from their website (imagine that), you can still purchase Wheels, Interior, Exterior, Electronics and more.

Website: http://accessories.ford.com/


Chinese hardware and electronic company Lenovo chose Magento for their online solution. It’s a good thing they did because their website looks awesome and its user experience is excellent. Again, Magento shows why it is the world’s leading ecommerce solution!

Website: http://outlet.lenovo.com/outlet_us/

Men’s Health:

Men’s Health was a company founded in the US of A (yes I’ve always wanted to say that)! This company decided Magento was needed to accommodate their online shop. They sell a range of products from hygiene to coffee makers.

Website: https://shop.menshealth.com/

Kurt Geiger:

KG are running their ecommerce store on Magento Enterprise (ME). ME does cost a significant amount to use, however it’s nothing to a company which is operating on KG’s level.

Website: http://www.kurtgeiger.com/

Paul Smith:

Paul Smith was founded by a guy named…Paul Smith! Their online store has a funky animation on the homepage with some good graphics. Their store is vast, it’s no wonder they’re running on Magento!

Website: http://www.paulsmith.co.uk/uk-en/shop/

Liverpool FC:

One of the greatest teams in football history uses Magento to run their online store. As expected, their website is mainly just merchandise. So if you were thinking of buying Daniel Sturridge online like me, you’ve got another thing coming!

Website: http://store.liverpoolfc.com/


So there you have it! Beyond all of those SMEs, there are actually quite a few famous brands that are using Magento as their eCommerce solution. It’s easy to understand why too. Although Magento is complicated, it allows companies like us to create innovative online interactions that become valuable to your business. If you’re looking to start a Magento project, or you already have a Magento site that needs work; we’re offering the first 4 hours of our services absolutely FREE. You can find that right here! Other than this, have an awesome day and stay tuned for next week’s #MagentoMonday!

Qasim Majid About the author
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