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#inthezone 15: Adding Value

#inthezone 15: Adding Value

Adding Value

We did it…we’ve made it to #inthezone 15! A massive thank you is in order for all those that have supported this journey. Your feedback and support were vital to the success of this segment. Not only do we enjoy writing and pushing out this content, we believe it allows all of you to connect with us on a more personal level as well as remaining professional! So much to talk about this week, I guess it’s best to start with that major announcement we promised you:

Seeing as though we have quite a large audience reading #inthezone, we thought we’d bless you all with a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. That’s right, you’ve heard it here FIRST. Just another reason why you should follow this particular blog, so you don’t miss out on special moments like these. Anyway, on with the announcement. Wowzone is hosting their first seminar and networking event on March 16th! Everything is free of charge; the food, the drinks and most importantly, the knowledge!

Last week we thought we broke the record for the highest levels of testosterone in the office, however, we couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s known that competition brings out the best in guys, well this week seemed to prove this statement true. After starting out as a joke, we decided to have a press-up competition between Ammaar and Matthew. Qasim agreed to buy the winner lunch, so this was their motivation to succeed over their opponent. We have released a short clip of the competition on Instagram which you can find here! Be sure to follow us and comment your predictions! The full video will be up on our Facebook wall tomorrow so keep an eye out folks!Organising The Football Game

Staying on the topic of testosterone, we finally got around to organising our office football game. This, again, brought out the competition amongst the all the men. It had been held off for too long due to bad weather and other factors, but now we’re back and it will become a regular thing once more! Besides having fun, this also encourages healthier lifestyle choices (as talked about previously on #inthezone). We do practice what we preach you know ;).

It’s someone’s birthday today, so we wanted to give this person a special shout-out. This person has helped grow our business for countless years and is always there for us. Words cannot express how much we appreciate them. Simply put, they’re a great member of the team, a great resource and a great ally! That’s right; we’re talking about none other than Facebook! 12 amazing years of Facebook, which is quite scary because it makes us all feel old.

As you may know, every Monday we have a meeting to discuss our progress as a company, and as individuals. This week, Qasim pumped up the team with a small talk on “adding value”. You may find yourself asking “what does it really mean to add value”. Adding value is going above and beyond your customer’s expectations to ensure they are fully satisfied with your service. Furthermore, he emphasised that there are so many competitive markets, it can become problematic for one business to “stand out from the crowd”. Adding value can be the factor that sets you apart from the rest. It sends out a good message for your company, reinforcing brand image which is likely to gain you more referrals! You’d be surprised at how word of mouth gets around, resulting in a higher repeat purchase rate. In addition to this, it allows you to generate sales from (currently) non-existing customers! Be the business other businesses are keeping an eye on, because then you know for sure you’re doing everything right.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Go above and beyond for your customer” – Qasim

Before you go, here’s the second video diary of Mr. Mango, for all you folks that have been waiting!

Qasim Majid About the author
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[…] have some great news! It’s been so long since we started, so we want to switch things up! To add more value, we’re including nuggets of information so that you can take away MORE from reading our […]

[…] news. When we were brainstorming, the main concept we kept coming back to was to provide real value for our seminar attendees. Well, we hit the jackpot! Google have agreed to attend AND give a talk […]

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