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Bing Overtakes Yahoo to Become Second Most Popular Search Engine

Bing is starting to become more prominent in the search engine industry as its market share overtook that of Yahoo for the first time yesterday.

Both are still a long way from fully competing with Google, which still dominates the global market, however Microsoft can take encouragement from how far their search engine has come in the two years since its inception.

Bing currently has 4.37% of the mglobal market share, in comparison to Yahoo’s 3.93%, while Google still has a market share that is just under 90%. Smaller competitors, like Ask and AOL, make up the remaining numbers.

The news may be bittersweet for Microsoft as they signed a deal with Yahoo to power its web searching services in the first place, meaning a decline in Yahoo’s fortunes ultimately affects them too.

Qasim Majid About the author
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