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#inthezone 7: Bringing about change!

Bringing about change!

Good afternoon ladies and gents, it’s that time of the week again. If you don’t already, you should know that Thursday is #inthezone day! We’re working on getting the name legally changed worldwide, but in the mean time you can just relax and enjoy this week’s article.

Before we get into things, we just wanted to remind our readers why we’re doing these weekly #inthezone posts. The aim is to bring all of our readers on a journey with us, through all the trials and tribulations we face at Wow Zone. We believe documenting our experiences isn’t only good for future nostalgia, but if it also helps others learn from us then we’re basically doing our job right, or wrong for that matter. As they say, it is wise to learn from your own mistakes, it’s even wiser to learn from other people’s mistakes.

Birmingham Chamber of Commerce

Right, let’s kick things off with a major announcement. We’ve just upgraded our Birmingham Chamber of Commerce membership to Premier. It’s been great working with them, and now that we’re Premier members we’re expecting even BIGGER things. Make sure you click the link and check them out, not only are they good for business, but they have an awesome team too, Anjum Khan, Mandy Canny, Howard Blow, Gary Birch, Russell Jeans and the awesome new CEO Paul Faulkner – but to name a few. Here’s a picture of Qasim with our Premier membership certificate. It’ll take pride of place on our boardroom wall!

So the second topic for this week is the new “No swearing policy”. All the lads at the office decided enough was enough, and that we should keep any curse words out of office hours. Not only does it make us sound uncivilised, it is also associated with a lack of intelligence. Not to mention that there are ladies present in the office and it’s just not a very “gentleman” thing to do. After implementing this on Monday morning, we genuinely felt better about ourselves. Then by 12pm on the same day we were feeling great thinking “we’re actually doing this”, until 5 minutes later when we all said “f*** it”. Well…We lasted a good 3 hours, must be a new world record…

Just kidding, of course! We’re sticking to it and we know it will benefit us all in the future! Remember, always mind your P’s and Q’s – it’s about being professional.

In other news, a miracle has dawned upon Ammaar at the office. We’ll tell it like an epic story, because it’s like something straight out of the Bible! It was just an ordinary day, nothing special at all. Ammaar was writing a few ideas down for social media. Then Sarah came over and decided to help him, she said she had already drafted a few ideas on her computer, so he asked her to e-mail him these said ideas. For some reason, her computer did not have his e-mail saved and so he wrote it down for her. This is it folks, the miracle you’ve been waiting for…

The perfect @ sign

Have you ever seen a more perfect “@” symbol? Well our guess is that you haven’t. He even tried recreating it many times (as you can see in the picture), I guess this was a one off blessing. Either way, he has NOT stopped talking about it and said this was the almighty being rewarding him for last week’s heartbreak. If you don’t know about last week’s heartbreak, check out last week’s article here so you don’t miss out on the joke! We’ll leave it at that now; best not to give Ammaar too much publicity otherwise we’ll never hear the end of it!

As you may know, we are making changes to our company. But change doesn’t come without action. That’s why we’re always making our best effort to see where we can make small improvements, and then implementing these ideas. If you improve yourself by even as little as 1% a day, you’ll be 100% better than you were 100 days ago. People believe change needs to be sudden and big. Although this is the case sometimes, we prefer to think of an overall goal we’re working towards. Then, we change all the smaller things like adding the “no swearing policy” in order to achieve this.


 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Qasim:”Are you larger than life?”

Adnan: “I’m always large!”

Qasim Majid About the author
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