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Co-Founder of Microsoft Criticises Google and Apple

Paul Allen, who along with Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft, has called rival companies Apple and Google “evil”. He describes Apple boss Steve Jobs as “monomaniacal” in a recent interview just weeks after his thoughts about Gates were published in his memoirs.

Allen also criticises Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page for their “Don’t be evil” mission statement.

He states “I chuckle when I see people pushing the boundaries all the time of what they can do to monetise things, capture things – and then say, we’re not evil, as if their default is not to push the boundaries.

“If your default is to push the boundaries, to just go for it, and then see if you get pushed back, then don’t say you’re not evil.”

His criticism comes after Google were hit with complaints after it emerged that the company had been collecting email and password info while gathering images for its Street View site.

Qasim Majid About the author
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