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#inthezone 41: Conquering your goals

#inthezone 41: Conquering your goals

Conquering your goals

The weather’s lovely, It’s Friday and you’re reading the latest #inthezone…could life get better?!

The past week has been a blessing, the sun has been less socially awkward by deciding to show its face more, we’ve also got a new team member on board and the team went on a #BankHolidayHike and MUCH more! Without further adieu, here’s #inthezone 41:

To start with, let’s talk about the team. There’s been a bit of reshuffling going on this past week. Camille left the company on Wednesday, we’re going to miss having her but all good things must come to an end! With that being said, we’ve hired a new content writer/outreach expert, he goes by the name Amo (short for Amodeep). It’s been a tough few months, but now with the extra hand, things will get better. Here’s to Camille’s future success, and Amo’s new start!

Since we’re toasting to things, let’s raise another glass (of orange juice) for Qasim! He’s been working tirelessly these past few weeks and came across some awesome opportunities not only for his own public profile but for Wow Zone too. He was recently featured on the BBC Asian Network where Qasim was discussing exam results, #thejobinterview and Apprenticeships. Have a listen, you may learn a few things 🙂 Got your own opinion on apprenticeships or exam results? Join the discussion BELOW!

Speaking of discussions, there was a huge debate that erupted on social media the other day. Two words, Apple and Tax! Yes, #AppleTax was (and probably still is) trending worldwide. Apparently, Apple was ordered by the European Commission to pay out €13bn of unpaid tax, now that’s a HEFTY sum.

It. gets. worse.

Ireland offered to use taxpayer’s money to fight the €13bn lawsuit for Apple…What?! Yes, we’re just as confused as you…anyway, we don’t really get into these political debates, but would love to hear your opinion on the matter (comment below). Here are some of the tweets we’ve rounded up, just for you:


Now that we’ve finished up on some of the smaller topics, let’s get into the meaty part of the article – conquering your goals.

The team went on a long hike this Bank Holiday Monday! It really was amazing; a challenge for some and fun for all. Amongst the mix of our team members, there were both experienced and inexperienced climbers. This certainly made the day more interesting, as the experienced would give tips that were beneficial for everyone!

The day started with a long 3-hour drive from the office straight to the start of the walking route. After having some fruit and veg, we then started the long hike up to the top of Mount Snowdon. Along the way, we discovered some awesome scenery but also learned some lessons, which can (surprisingly) be applicable to business life.

For example, after roughly an hour of walking, we were able to see the top of Mount Snowdon (from a distance). From then on, it seemed like the peak was around 30 minutes – 1 hour away…how wrong we were. The mountain may have been in our vicinity, but it wasn’t until another 2 hours or so later that we reached the peak.

Along the way, the top really seemed within reach, but was still so far away. Similarly, in business sometimes you may feel the hope that you’ve almost made it to your goal, only to realise that you’re still quite far from where you wanted to be. At times like these, it is often difficult to figure out what you need to do. Well, you should stop, think and focus on what NOT to do. In this case, being disheartened is the last thing you want to do, so focus on thinking positives. You’re still here, in good health and you’re still one step closer to conquering your goals. Keep fighting because when you do finally reach your goal, it will be an even sweeter victory.

Qasim Majid About the author
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