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Creating a Facebook Page for your business

With more than 800 million active users and at least 50% of those users logging in daily, Facebook has become an invaluable marketing tool for businesses to exploit. The average Facebook user is connect to around 80 different community pages, groups, and events so there is an instant route to starting your social community and improving your SEO.

You don’t need to be highly technical web designers to create a page due to the easy-to-use interface that Facebook provides which is aimed at the average user. The first step is to go to the Facebook homepage and underneath the sign-up form is the ‘create a page’ link which you can click through. Now you will be presented with a page (shown below) that will ask you what type of page you want to create.

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Once you have selected which page is most relevant to you, you will need to fill in the registration form and then you can get on with creating your profile. The first step towards doing this is to upload a nice profile picture. We recommend a slim and tall profile image as it can be quite eye-catching and you will see many of the Facebook pages take this approach. Now that you have your profile image up you will be presented with the ‘Get Started’ screen, where you can then invite in your existing friends, email contacts, etc.

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Once you have invited in your contacts, click the ‘publish this page’ link at the top of the page and you can send out a message on Facebook to let people know you are on the site. Go to the ‘Wall’ tab on the left and you are ready to start posting some content to your followers. The best practise is to keep content flowing and linking in material from your other social media accounts so that you can have a good community of people looking at your content.

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Now your page is set up, you can start adding photos, videos and running promotions which will be able to drive web traffic through to your website and more importantly result in extra revenue. Facebook offers a free ‘Insights’ tool that can track the click-throughs, follower activity and many more statistics from your Facebook page in a similar way that Google analytics does which can be very useful. Also, once your page is up and running you can assign other administrators that can update and manage the page by going into the settings and clicking on the ‘admins’ tab.

This is the basics stages toward setting up your page but there are many other features that can be implemented to give it a more unique look via Facebook apps and we will go into this further in future blog entries so be sure to check back for more info!

Qasim Majid About the author
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