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What I’ve learnt about Digital Marketing Strategies

So at the beginning of this week, I was told I would be delivering a Seminar to a group of 50+ about how to create the perfect Digital Marketing strategy.

Boy was I excited! (That’s not sarcasm, by the way, I love doing these things!)

If you’re interested in attending the seminar, there are some tickets still available! It’s a free event being run by NatWest on the 12th September. Click here to find out more!

I started to put my thinking cap on, looking at what I currently do for clients when helping create their Digital Marketing strategy as well as the latest hints and tips, and I thought to myself – What snippets can I share here?

Here are some little eye-openers for you about what I’ve learned this week about Digital Marketing Strategies that I wanted to share with you:

  1. They are completely unique to you

Obviously, I knew this before, but I just wanted to stress the importance of it!

Literally, no person is going to have the same Digital Marketing strategy. If you think you can just Google it, you’re very wrong!

They require in-depth analysis into your Target Audience, what resources you have available and even your budget.

  1. Everything is going to be laid bare if you’re doing it right

If you’ve done it right, you’re going to be looking at the bare bones of your Business when you’ve created your strategy.

I’m not talking your personal details or anything, I’m talking about what makes your Business tick, and who your client base is.

It’s a really good opportunity to get to know your Business again!

  1. You’ll learn something new about your Business

Not only are you going to learn about your Business again, but you’re bound to learn something new too!

Maybe it’s a new Target Audience that you haven’t tapped into, or that you learn that your Paid campaigns could be better – it’s all something new!

  1. Get more than just yourself involved

This Digital Marketing strategy is going to be embedded into your Business, so include more than just yourself!

It’s not meant to be kept secret, it should seep through into everything you work on, so get your staff involved if you can. Not only will they appreciate being involved, they might have some really helpful suggestions!

  1. You need one

If you want to get anywhere in your online marketing, you would be very stupid not to have a Digital Marketing strategy.

These documents contain information about how you can be successful online and reach your goals – who doesn’t want that?

Do you want to do marketing online? Start making yourself a Digital Marketing strategy!

If you’re interested in attending the seminar, there are some tickets still available! It’s a free event being run by NatWest on the 12th September. Click the link to find out more! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-digital-strategy-for-business-growth-tickets-34850185844

Qasim Majid About the author
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