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Effective SEO With Video Content

SEO BirminghamWhen it comes to search engine optimisation (SEO) it is important to understand the different types of content that can have an effect on how your website ranks in the search engine results page (SERP). Video content has been proven to be more than 50% more effective at reaching higher in the SERP and as well as this it has the advantage of being able to display a thumbnail image next to it which instantly catches the users eye. There are a number of ways in which you can improve your SEO through utilising video content as we will show below:

Product Videos: If you can create individual videos that showcase each of your different products within your range then you will be able to maximise your SEO activities. Through the use of rich content like videos it will also be more attractive  for the user as they will be able to interact with the site. Google especially likes this type of content and bearing in mind that YouTube itself is the second largest search engine in the world it doesn’t even need to be said what the potential is there. One important thing to remember, however, is that your web designers need to ensure that the video doesn’t cause your webpages to load slowly as this is the number one reason online for users to prematurely leave a website.

Clean Video URLs: Another important tip is that you have to keep your URLs to the webpages that contain video ‘clean’, i.e, make sure that they are canononical (wowinternet.co.uk/seo-birmingham-web-designers-birmingham) and also to include the file format of the video at the end (seo-birmingham.avi).

Video Sitemaps: Video sitemaps can be an essential part of your video SEO and they, like normal sitemaps, allow Google to accurately crawl through the content in order to find exactly what the user is looking for.

Keep Content Updated: If there is one piece of advice you should take away as being most important for your SEO it is to keep your content updated. Google loves fresh, updated, and accurate content more than anything so make sure that none of your videos are outdated!

These are just a few tips to get you on your way to improving your SEO through video content, but be sure to check back here for more tips and tricks!

Qasim Majid About the author
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[…] Finally, another key area of your YouTube video optimization is making sure that your tags are spot on. Tags are the area of your video where you add a myriad […]

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