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Facebook for Business

First Google announce in SMX Advance that Google cannot see Facebook data and does not use it as a ranking signals in Algorithm and then the continuous success of Google plus and finally now Google plus launch its business pages, all these updates allow business people and marketers to ask one important question is Facebook good anymore for businesses? Should they use facebook anymore for businesses?

Before we get in it to answer some of the valid questions that pop up in marketers mind, let’s consider some of the undeniable facts about the giant social media on the planet. Facebook is the biggest social media on earth with the 700 million active users around the world.

For many marketers and webmasters who were using facebook for ranking purposes, it might be a bad news the Google is not tracking facebook as a ranking signal but this is not a really bad news for marketers in general . Facebook is still one of the finest social media marketing channels that produce higher percentage of conversions.

Obviously creating a facebook fan page and waiting for visitors to come and join is like a ice cream shop in a sunshine. There are tactics that are necessary to implement in order to make you facebook page successful, up and running.

Every Campaign is different in nature but here i’ll try to define few of the factors that are must in every campaign in order to better results and conversions.

Customer Service

Good customer services represent a good business. Facebook can be a remarkable place for business promotion through customer services. Intelligent and quick customer service will not only satisfy and make customer happy but this conversation on facebook pages will inspire other readers to become potential customers.

Custom Page Design

Facebook fan pages allow its users to design and upload a custom tab to promote the company’s services/product to the fans and also to those who are not on the business fan page. Custom design tab with high quality design and promotion links will not only entertain the existing fans but also attract new potential visitors.

Enhance/Build your Subscription list

This is no rocket science that subscription list have a direct impact on sales for the business, more subscribers will more likely attract more potential customers and finally more leads are expected. Facebook fan pages allow business owners to add a subscription form where people can subscribe for your newsletters and offers your company come up from time to time.

Customer Reviews

In the world where business competition is like anything and people have choices to switch, reviews and word of mouth plays a vital role in bringing the new business in. Facebook allows you to get reviews from satisfied customers and clients right on your fan page, this will allow other members to get interested in the services/product you offer and most probably more leads.

Building Trust

With the changing business trend, people started to take interest in brands and customer demanded to talk with real people instead of logos and brand names, people started to spend money on people they trust and have a relationship with. Facebook is a great tool for businesses to communicate with their fans and potential customers and make them feel real.

Above are just the few creative ways where you can use facebook to grow your online presence but there are uncountable ways facebook is important and one should not stop using facebook especially for businesses.

Qasim Majid About the author
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