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#inthezone 10: Finding the right balance!

Finding the right balance!

Greetings all, ’tis the season to be jolly, ’tis also the season to use the word ’tis! Welcome to #InTheZone part 10! So…there’s ONE DAY left before Christmas! Anyone else really excited?! Most of us can’t wait to get our presents…and of course family time is great too! 😉 For those that do not celebrate Christmas, we wish you a great holiday as well.

The main announcement this week is that #InTheZone will be temporarily stopped so we can allow ourselves to enjoy Christmas too. However, it will be back in the New Year. The exact date will be 7th January, so you’re only really missing one week of #InTheZone!

Looking back, this year has been great. It has been the birth year of #InTheZone and Magento Monday. In 2016, we are going to be delivering bigger and better things, with both blog segments improving drastically! On top of this, we may introduce a third blog, but that’s still in the planning stages. We have not mentioned this anywhere else, so it’s exclusive to #InTheZone readers only!

If you’ve been following our social media, you would’ve noticed that the Wow team went out for a Christmas meal at the Bun & Bowl. We had such an awesome time that we wanted to mention it on here too. With how hectic these past weeks have Wow-Zone Teambeen, it was great to have a night out with the team to relax and enjoy ourselves. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas were the 3 main stressors. Not saying that any of these are necessarily a bad thing, it’s just when you’re working in Marketing, design or development it can be quite a busy period. However, we’re pushing through, we just have to make it through Christmas and New Year then everything will start to go back to normal again! Our favourite photo from Friday:

Another important topic we feel compelled to write about is the homeless and how they will be spending their Christmas. Many people are busy with their own Christmas shopping/families that they don’t stop to realise the situation homeless people are in. Most homeless people do not have families, they will be out in the rain whilst we enjoy ourselves in our comfortable homes. Think about how blessed we are to have a home, hot water and most importantly, a family. The following is a charity dedicated to helping the homeless this Christmas:

Birmingham Christmas Shelter

You can donate financially, materially or with volunteer with your time. Donate generously to make a difference to someone this Christmas…

Moving on to the business lesson, this week we’ll talk about finding the right balance. We’d like to think of it less as a business lesson and more of a life lesson, but anyway, here we go…We’re not designed to work our whole life, we’re only human. As good as it is to be as productive as you can; it is also equally as important to enjoy yourself. What better time to put your work aside than Christmas? Unless it’s excruciatingly important, spend time with your loved ones. Finding the right balance is the key to leading a successful life, and a happy one too because what is success without happiness? May the force be with you…

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Everything in moderation, expect pizza…” – Baki

Qasim Majid About the author
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