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inthezone 12: Following your dreams!

#inthezone 12: Following your dream!

Following your dream!

Last week on #inthezone we talked about making promises, not just your bog standard “New Year’s resolution”. How are you all getting on with them? We’re 14 days in to 2016; hope you are all still going strong! At Wow-Zone, we are ever increasingly motivated. As cliché as it sounds, every day here is better than the last! We’d love to hear your promises, and the progress all of you are making with them! Comment below 🙂

On Friday we took on a 3 interns from a local school to help Ammaar and internssupply them with real world skills (skills that are very much needed in a very competitive marketplace for jobs). They are coming in every Friday and Ammaar is responsible for setting the standard with them in the office, setting them up on their own PCs and, most importantly, allocating them work to complete. It’s safe to say that the first day was a success! Here you can see a short-haired Ammaar standing side by side with his Jedi apprentices…May the force be with them.

Although most of us were back from our Christmas holiday on the 4th of January, not everyone was. However, we now officially have a full house once again! Staying on the topic of the team, we take great pride in how multi-cultural our office is. Bulgaria, France, Switzerland, Pakistan, India and (of course) England are the nationalities of our team members! We believe being diverse brings a lot more to the table; a variety of mindsets and cultures can be really beneficial to companies. We encourage all others to do the same, you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve with a diverse pool of staff! 

Remember when we did an employee spotlight with Safina? It’s been quite a while hasn’t it? Well we’re happy to announce we revived this particular segment again. Once we mentioned we were bringing back the employee spotlight, Adnan jumped at the chance to be featured! So, we asked him a few questions…here’s how it went:


Q) So Adnan, you’re our marketing expert. As a small introduction to our #inthezone readers, tell us how long you’ve been in the marketing business?

A) Since 2010, so 6 years. However I also have a background of website development and design from 2005-2010. In this period of time I also worked alongside a marketing team.

Q2) We’d like to leave our #inthezone readers with some value. So, tell us what you think is the most under-utilised aspect of online marketing for businesses?

A2) Well, it depends what type of business. For consumer related businesses, I believe they need to increase audience via paid ads. A good type of paid ad is Facebook. We use this for a lot of campaigns!

Q3) Last year Google rolled out Mobilegeddon, what’s to be expected for 2016?

A3) I can’t predict exactly what Google will do. However, from my understanding, marketers should understand the customer journey and customer experience. What I have noticed is that with the rise of mobile interactions, people are constantly doing research with their handheld devices. For example, someone who gets the train to work will do some research while they are on the go. Being mobile friendly and responsive adds to the customer journey; this keeps the user happier and thus will rank you higher on Google. Secure domains are now also ranking factor. I’ll leave the readers with three key points that they need to recognise and implement on their site. Trust, quality and experience.

We hope you found this of value, we’ll be doing another spotlight soon enough so make sure you join us for #inthezone again! If there’s something you want us to cover in another employee spotlight, let us know below in the comment section!

With all the talk this week about diversity, we want to iterate the importance of being different. You (as a person) are 100% unique; your thoughts, actions and mindset cannot be found elsewhere. Yes, you will meet very likeminded people along the journey of your life; however no-one will ever be exactly like you. So cherish this and don’t be afraid to do things others might not dare to do. Your vision may not be clear to others, it may not even seem sensible; however we’re all made to do great things. One of the most tragic things in life is not realising your potential as an individual. Find your calling and go for it, there is no second chance! There is nothing more important than following your dreams. In the words of a wise man, “If you aren’t scared by your ambitions, you aren’t dreaming big enough”.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “How can you turn fiction into fact?” – Qasim

Qasim Majid About the author
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[…] interns which are currently working at Wow. We love it! As we’ve mentioned previously, the multi-culturalism just makes the office a better place. We get a deeper understanding of other cultures and even get […]

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