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Google and BRC Research Show That Consumers Are Using Their Smartphones to Check Prices

Recent research conducted by both Google and the British Retail Consortium (BRC) has claimed that consumers are increasingly turning to their smartphones to check on product prices and reviews to ensure that they are getting the best deal.

According to www.marketingmagazine.co.uk the statistics gathered showed total mobile search volumes increased by 29% compared to the first quarter of 2010, but mobile retail search traffic, logged separately, rose by 181%.

Mobile searches accounted for 11% of total retail searches over the quarter. Data tracked provides the most popular search terms, growth, comparisons of retailers, geographical breakdown and cross-country searches.

Multi-channel retailers recorded a 42% year-on-year increase in searches, compared with 19% for pure online retailers.

The Greater London area accounted for 46% of all retail searches conducted on a smartphone.

Stephen Robertson, director-general of the BRC, commented on the results, stating “Online is the fastest growing part of retailing. We need to better understand that development and what’s driving it. Despite any short-term effects from weakening consumer confidence, what stands out here is the fundamental strength of the growth of online retailing.”

Qasim Majid About the author
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