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Google Claims it Wants to Avoid Legal Battle with EU

Google has claimed that it wishes to avoid entering a long legal battle with the EU and its regulators, who are currently investigating its market dominance.

The chief executive of the company, Eric Schmidt, commented “We certainly want to avoid that. I think it is in our interests and I would hope in their interests to a do a quick analysis of concerns that have been raised by competitors, hopefully they are minor or they are not correct.

“We’ll find out and make sure we are operating well within the law and the spirit of the law.”

Brussels launched their investigation into Google in November after complaints from a number of European rivals about its dominance.

A previous EU investigation into software giant Microsoft snowballed into a 10-year legal battle in which the company paid 1.68 billion euros ($2.3 billion) in fines.

Qasim Majid About the author
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