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Google Fact Check Tackles Fake News

Google fact check is the saviour we’ve all been awaiting!

GOODBYE fake news and hello Google Fact Check!


Whether there is monetary gain or some sort of alternate agenda behind it, there is no disputing the fact that fake news is a massive issue. People love obscene headlines because they sell (or convert, if we’re talking online) and create controversy.

As Denzel Washington stated, no media outlet is bothered about being politically correct, the sole concern on their mind is whether they’re first.

This creates huge issues for users, as it can often leave them frustrated and annoyed.

Since Google exists for the user, this means that it can no longer allow its users to be spammed with news that is “fake”.

Lord knows why it took so long, however…

Google is now rolling out a “fact check” for articles.

Previously, this fact check was under limited availability, however it has since become universal!

Now, when you type a search query, Google will display the thoughts of a third party organisation, stating whether they found it to be true, false or somewhere in between. You can see an example of this below:

Google Fact Check Example

Fact checking organisations such as Snopes and PolitiFact (as seen above), will be doing the handy work. As mentioned earlier, statements can either be true, false or something in between.

Furthermore, on some pages you may get some differing results as publishers will hold varying opinions.

“Even though differing conclusions may be presented, we think it’s still helpful for people to understand the degree of consensus around a particular claim and have clear information on which sources agree,”

Google will present users answers from different fact checkers and leave the choice for you to make.

Publishers wanting to included in the program can do so here, but primarily Google are looking for “algorithmically determined to be an authoritative source of information”. In simple terms, companies that have an existing reputation as a trustworthy/authoritative source of information are being selected.

Google have taken the initiative to stop fake news distribution with Google fact check, but how effective will it be? I have a funny feeling there will be some workaround for Google fact check from those guilty of spreading “fake news”. To add to this, the fact checking is done manually, so this will pose an issue too. 

What are your thoughts? Join me in the comments!

Qasim Majid About the author
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