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Google Search Plus, a New Personalised Experience

Google has announced that it will be adding a whole new feature to their search engine that looks like it could have a huge effect on the way that we that we interact with Google and find the results that we want.

The Google search plus will now incorporate your social circles into the results that you see, for example, if you were trying to find an SEO company and searched the term ‘SEO company’ into Google, you would get all of the standard results plus you will now see any particular websites that your friends have interacted with or ‘+1’d’ so that you can have a much more personalised experience.

Google said in their blog: “Say you’re looking for a vacation destination. You can of course search the web, but what if you want to learn from the experiences your friends have had on their vacations? Just as in real life, your friends’ experiences are often so much more meaningful to you than impersonal content on the web.”

Personal Results

The search engine giant has added three major features to the new searching system which are; personal results (as seen in the above image), profiles in search, and people and pages.

The ‘profiles in search’ will now allow you to search for a friend’s name in the search box and it will provide you with personalised search results related to their interests and give a link to their social accounts.

The ‘people and pages’ feature will show up results in a separate section on the results page that resemble that of the PPC ads to the right hand side of the result listings. For example, if you searched for ‘football’ you will get a section that contains football clubs and professional footballers’ Google+ profiles and pages so that you can instantly discover new people to interact with.

The changes that have been made haven’t been openly welcomed by all though, and ex-Google employee and now Twitter general council, Alex Macgillivray said in one of his tweets that it was a ”bad day for the Internet,” and went on to comment, “having been there, I can imagine the dissension at Google to search being warped this way.”

Qasim Majid About the author
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