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Importing products in Magento

Importing products in Magento

So, we haven’t been pushing out our #MagentoMonday articles as we usually have been…It’s been an EXTREMELY busy period, especially with #DigitalZone and the launch of Mr Mango Delivery’s website. But now it’s BACK! Guess you all just needed time to miss it to realise how much you loved it, eh? No? Okay 🙁

We listened to the people who reached out to us, saying that they wanted more technical knowledge. So that’s exactly what we’re going to be providing. Without further adieu; here’s our article on importing products in Magento!

Firstly, log in to your Magento admin panel (Captain Obvious strikes again)!
Once you’re through to the backend of the website go to Catalog -> Manage Categories

Importing 2

Create the categories you will need for the products you’re uploading (Ie if you’re selling Footballs and you want to distinguish by colour, your categories would be “blue”, “green” etc). Don’t forget to save each category!
NOTE: Every time you save a category it should give you a category ID. It is recommended that you keep a note of these IDs in a simple notepad file (write it exactly as follows):

• New Category 1 (ID: 1)
• New Category 1 (ID: 2)

Of course where we’ve put the number 1 and 2, you just replace with the IDs you’ve been given!
If you want to give your products any additional attributes (that the standard Magento doesn’t have), you can do so now! To do this, simply navigate to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes -> Add new Attribute.

Importing 1

Now it’s time to manually add a template product to your Magento store. Make sure you include all attributes in that product (as you will be exporting the item and using it as a template for the rest of the product batch). Save the new product and then it will appear in the products list part of your Magento store.

Now we move on to the exporting part. Go to System -> Import/Export -> Dataflow – Profiles -> Export all products. Under Profile Information -> Store choose the store where you will be importing the products (match it to the store where you created the sample product). Once you’re through, make sure your settings match the settings that we’ve done in the screenshot underneath. Then click “save profile” located in the top right corner!

Importing 3

After doing this, click the button on the left side menu that says “run profile” and on the page it takes you to click “Run profile in popup”.

Once this is done, go to your Magento directory (under /var/export). The file name should be “export_all_products.csv”. Now you have to use an FTP Client to be able to download this to your computer. Once downloaded, open it using Microsoft Excel. Start adding the products you want to import into your site now!

NOTE: Make sure you are copying/pasting the correct attributes in the correct columns. Also, use the category IDs you made a note of earlier to categorise your products.

Once you have assigned the products their correct attributes and category IDs, it’s time to start importing them back into your store! Go to System -> Import/Export -> Dataflow – Profiles -> Import all products. Upload the .csv file you were working on then click “import all products”, then “run profile” and select the .csv file you uploaded. Finally, click “run profile in popup” and it will all start importing! Once done, you’ll get an import success message.

That’s it, now enjoy staring at your imported products for countless of hours (should you wish to do so) or maybe just get on with some work…Anyway that’s us done now! Enjoy your day folks 🙂

Qasim Majid About the author
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8 years ago

[…] Importing products in Magento […]

[…] great follow on from last week’s “importing products in Magento” tutorial is to show you exactly how to change the price of said products and manage how many of […]

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