Instagram Live Video – new feature rolling rolling out SOON!
Instagram Live video COMING SOON and more!
Over the past year, Instagram has gone through many changes. First came the changing of the logo, then came the arrival of Instagram stories and, more recently, a unified inbox was released for Facebook, Messenger and Instagram!
With that being said, more features are on the way.
What’s to come, you ask?
Well, firstly, Instagram are releasing their own version of live video which is HUUUUUGE!
How can I start my Instagram live video?
You can’t yet…
Don’t fret though, Instagram are rolling it out VERY soon.
As seen above, go to where you’d normally post an Instagram story (swipe right from the main menu), then simply swipe from “normal” video to “live”.
Where you can view other Instagram stories, it shows if someone islive with the little “LIVE” icon located just below their story.
Unlike Facebook though, it’s not saved to your feed and completely disappears once it’s done.
Why is Instagram Live Video important?
It presents more options for your business/brand.
Let me elaborate…
Think back to when Twitter bought out Periscope. Although both apps weren’t completely merged, it was easy for Twitter users to share their live streams straight on to Twitter.
Facebook followed shortly after, embedding a live video option into their own app.
NOW Instagram are doing the same.
If your community is mainly on Instagram (and not Facebook or Twitter), now you have the ability to reach out to them via live videos.
This will be amazing for companies in heavily aesthetic industries such as cinematography, photography (for example Azaad Media), Fashion etc.
Other mystery feature:
Just like Snapchat, you now have the ability to send a “disappearing image”.
Whilst this is probably more for people sending silly pictures to each other, we can’t help but think there’s also a Digital Marketing secret just waiting to be found.
Oh, and if someone screenshots this disappearing image, they’re notified. Just to let you all know in advance.
Instagram Live will allow businesses to be able to go live and engage with their community.
As mentioned before, this is best for those businesses who are more suited to Instagram!
How will you be using Instagram Live Video to engage?
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