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#inthezone - Looking at the bigger picture

#inthezone 5: Looking at the bigger picture!

Looking at the bigger picture


Welcome to what is now the fifth installment of #inthezone folks. We’re very humbled that you’ve stuck with us on our journey. I’d like to say that these articles have been enjoyable to write, and it is very satisfying to see many of you are reading (and enjoying) these blogs. Keep up the weekly reading and I promise to deliver you awesome blogs every single week!


For the sake of not leaving this post on a bad note, I’ve decided to get the negativity out first. As most of you know, on November Friday 13th there was a dreadful terrorist attack that took place in multiple locations around the city of love. 129 innocent people lost their lives to mindless violence, and beyond that so many families were affected. This was a tragedy beyond what my words can describe. However, we should also not forget how many other people lost their lives that day. Here’s a list of places that also need our prayers:

  • Beirut (suicide bombings).
  • Japan (earthquake).
  • Mexico (hurricane/earthquake).
  • Baghdad (suicide bombings).

Be sure to keep all of the people affected in your thoughts. Remember, hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that!


Now let’s move on to a more uplifting topic. The Righttrack website is now OFFICIALY live! This project has been one of the biggest projects we’ve worked on, and at certain times it became very stressful. I’d like to thank everyone for keeping their head together during a very busy period and pushing through. We’re all so proud of the final result! If you’d like to see the website for yourself, you can check that out here! Tweet us what you think with #wowzone!


Okay, I won’t keep you waiting. I understand that your week has been stressful too, so now here is your daily dose of laughter. A short story delivered by Adnan in the most beautiful way possible…Here is “Adnan and the Linguine Pasta”Adnan Ft Pasta


“So it was lunch time and we decided to go get some Pasta, because I mean who doesn’t like Pasta right? Anyway, I was with Patrick and Safina at the restaurant and everything was going fine. Safina and Patrick were in the mood for a Panini. The food comes, happy days for everyone. The pasta was so good…Until IT happened. I don’t even know how it happened, it just did. I accidentally snorted Linguine Pasta. I seriously don’t actually know how it got there; just by telling you it I’m reliving the nightmare.”


Don’t sniff kids…


This week we can take away quite a few lessons from our experiences. First and foremost, always look at the bigger picture. This can be applied to both the terrorist attacks and the launch of the website. The people who carried out the dreadful attacks were not thinking of how many hundreds of people that were affected beyond the people they killed. All the husbands, wives and children lost to these heartless people. Regarding the launch of the website, we knew it was a tough road ahead. There were shortcuts we could’ve taken, but if you take shortcuts 99% of the time you’re not doing it right. This is why the website came out just as planned, we stayed focused, stayed hungry and kept our eye on the bigger picture.


QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Think about the bigger picture, don’t rely on cheap tactics to get the job done.” – Adnan

Qasim Majid About the author
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[…] Hello everyone, and welcome to your weekly 8 minutes of heaven! The geniuses behind #inthezone have been brainstorming and have thought of ways to make this article more exciting for everyone! Keep an eye on our social media, #inthezone will be heavily influenced by it. We’re slowly integrating all of our platforms so it’s all part of one bigger picture. […]

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