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Magento User Interface Testing Checklist

Magento User Interface Testing Checklist

Magento User Interface Testing Checklist

People all around the world are viewing your website, there are literally hundreds of sets of eyes scrutinizing your website every month on all different types of devices. HTCs, iPhones, Samsungs, Tablets, iPads…you name it and someone’s probably browsed your website with it! Now that you understand the need to have a perfectly user friendly website, we’re going to give you an extremely SIMPLE guide to test your site to ensure there’s never an image half showing or text going out of the screen.

Step 1 – Colours:

  • Are hyperlink colours standard?
  • Does the site use (approx) standard link colours?
  • Are field backgrounds the correct colour?
  • Are all the buttons in standard format and size?
  • Is the general screen background the correct colour?

Step 2 – Content:

  • Are all fonts the same (unless there are obvious exceptions)?
  • Is all the text aligned properly?
  • Are all screen prompts specified in the correct screen font?
  • Are all headings left aligned?

Step 3 – Images:

  • Are all graphics properly aligned?
  • Are graphics being used with an efficient file size?
  • Are graphics optimised for quick downloads?
  • Does text wrap around graphics properly?
  • Is it visually consistent even without graphics?

Step 4 – Instructions:

  • Are all error message texts displayed correctly on the screen?
  • Are all the micro-help text (i.e tool tips) spelt correctly on this screen?
  • Progress messages on load of tabbed (active screens) screens.

Step 5 – Navigation:

  • Are all disabled fields avoided in TAB sequence?
  • Are all read-only fields avoided in the TAB sequence?
  • Is there a link to the HOME PAGE on every single page?
  • Does the Tab Order specified on the screen go in sequence from Top Left to bottom right? This is the default unless otherwise specified.

Step 6 – Usability:

  • Are all field prompts spelt correctly?
  • Are fonts too large or too small?
  • Can the typical user run the system without frustration?
  • Do pages print legibly without cutting off text?
  • Does the site convey a clear sense of its intended audience?
  • Does the site have a consistent, clearly recognisable “look” and “feel”.
  • Does the system provide or facilitate customer service? i.e. responsive, helpful, accurate?

Using these 6 steps will ensure that the user interface of your website goes smoothly. There are many tests you can do, one of them being a responsive one – but we’ll save that for another day. Hope you enjoyed this week’s article and found it of value! Have a good week all 🙂

Qasim Majid About the author
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