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Search Engine Weekly Round-up #28

The Search Engine Weekly Round-up is where I look at the finest articles, talking points and news from the week, all from the worlds of SEO, Marketing, Social Media, etc.
This week looks at Moz, a Penguin 2.0 victim, the inbound marketing gameplan, and how you’re screwing up your landing pages.

Goodbye SEOmoz. Hello Moz!
Rand Fishkin

Kicking things off this week is the re-branding of SEOmoz – now, they’re simply known as Moz, complete with a new website. Rand Fishkin speaks about the reasoning behind the re-branding, with the crux of it being the “SEO” part of the moniker, with Rand saying that they’re more than just an SEO company.
As well as this, there’s also a somewhat negative connotation around SEO in some circles, and that having “SEO” in their name has harmed them previously. The rest of this post covers their vision for Moz, as well as some info on their upcoming Moz Analytics. This re-branding is an interesting move from SE-, erm, Moz, and I’m really looking forward to their Moz Analytics.
One quick little plug, our Matthew Barby has written a blog on his first impressions on the new Moz site, which you can read here.

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CheapoAir.com hit hard – Deep Dive into another Penguin 2.0 Victim                    Harry Tschuggnall

The next post in this week’s round-up is on the topic of the recent Penguin 2.0 update, as this post analyses CheapoAir.com, who seemed to have been hit by the update. This mammoth case study looks at the massive drop in rankings for several salient keywords, and also looks which areas of CheapoAir’s site could have been the cause for the Penguin punishment.
Harry’s post wraps up with a conclusion on the matter, where he sums up the main causes for the site’s punishment, such as links from de-indexed sites and pages effected by malware. This is a great case study, and is certainly worth a read.

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21 Ways You’re Screwing Up Your Landing Pages (And What To Do About It)
Peep Laja

Another sizable post now, with a 21 part look at ways that you could be butchering your landing page. Peep Laja of Conversion XL perused a bunch of site and has analysed their landing pages, looking at areas in particular where they’ve gone awfully wrong.
This post looks at a wide array of problems, such as poor headlines, poor copywriting, not following the customer’s thought sequence, and even those awful, cheesy stock photos, this post really does cover all the bases, and offers advice on where these pages should be corrected.

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The Inbound Marketing Gameplan
Master Inbound 

The final post in this week’s round-up looks at inbound marketing in a slightly different way – envisaging it in the form of a field, showcasing the flow of audience to advocate. As the post states, due to the complicated, complex nature of inbound marketing, they’ve tried to simplify things here, in this creative graphic. This is a wonderfully creative, well done graphic, displaying all relevant aspects of inbound marketing here, showing both the business’ actions and the customer’s actions. My version of something like this would probably look like Paul Ince‘s, in fairness.

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That’s all for this week’s round-up. I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading, and have enjoyed the content that has been mentioned.
Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section, and if you fancy sharing the content which has been cited, click the corresponding “Tweet” buttons.

Qasim Majid About the author
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