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Search Engine Weekly Round-up #38

The Search Engine Weekly Round-up is a quick collection of the finest articles from the online marketing world that have been released throughout the week. In the 38th edition of this content round-up, we have articles which look at how to build a top blog, a white hat SEO case study, how to mine user data and Youtube outreach.

How I Built A Top 100 Blog In 12 Months & How You Can Do It Too!
Matthew Woodward

The first post in this week’s round-up is via Matthew Woodward, and is definitely one of the finest posts which I’ve seen in quite some time. Matthew goes into meticulous detail regarding the entire history of his blog, from how and why he initially started writing and promoting the blog, to the status it’s at now, with actionable tips on how it can be replicated.
This post is a superb resource to have, seeing as it covers so many areas, including Youtube videos, affiliate sales, increasing email subscribers, site speed optimisation, which tools to use, et al.
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White Hat SEO Case Study
Brian Dean

Rather recently, Richard Marriott of the Clambr blog put together a fantastic post which accrued the thoughts of 55 SEO experts on their preferred link building tools of choice. This post is the subject of the piece which was written by Brian Dean, as Brian goes through the process that Richard went through in order to create this post, otherwise known as Brian’s own skyscraper technique.
This post runs through how to identify what you can write about, as well as how he managed to promote the post through his persistent outreach endeavors.
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Mining User Data in Excel with the FullContact API
John-Henry Scherck

This post takes a look at how you can use a few tools in order to grab a plethora of your user’s information, which could certainly prove to be immensely helpful. The only tools used here are NetPeak Checker and FullContact’s Person API, the latter of which can retrieve reams of user data simply from an email address.
The ease with which you can pull off such an amount of information on a myriad of different users is staggering, albeit rather frightening at the same time. With the use of the two aforementioned tools, and some Excel work, you can have a very valuable resource available in no-time.
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Youtube Outreach Tutorial
Peter Attia

Peter Attia has been writing some fantastic content in regards to outreach recently, and this post continues in the same vein. As is the same when it comes to blogging, finding a Youtuber within your niche who caters toward your target market can be a valuable asset to have, and this post takes a look at how you can find these Youtubers, and how to outreach to them.
Peter states in the post that whilst outreaching to Youtubers in order to get your content/product out there may take a while, and requires more effort and money than outreaching to bloggers, it can certainly prove to be very fruitful.
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120 Marketing Tactics for New Blogs
Venchito Tampon

Wrapping things up this week, we’ve got a post which is on a rather similar vein to Matthew Woodward’s post at the start of the round-up, with this post which looks at 120 (!) ways in which you can promote your blog. Venchito Tampon has of Digital Philippines has written several posts on the subject matter, but Venchito has whipped up a superb infographic, collating all of the tips located within the previous articles.
Tips in this infographic cover all the bases really, from social media and egobait to syndication and overall user experience. If you’re just starting out when it comes to promoting your blog, this post + the aforementioned Matthew Woodward post will certainly see you through.
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That’s all for this week’s round-up. If you fancy sharing the content which has been mentioned in this blog, click the corresponding Tweet buttons. So, what have been your favourite articles of the week? Feel free to leave your comments below

Qasim Majid About the author
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10 years ago

Liam , i would like to give you big hand for share many topics and some of them are really very useful .

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