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Search Engine Weekly Round-up #9

In this weekly instalment, we provide you with some of the finest blogs and articles from the worlds of SEO, marketing and social media. This week includes articles regarding marketing stats, Reddit traffic and Google+ ads.

The 52 Most Interesting Marketing Stats of 2012
Oli Gardner

As the title of this post suggests, we’ve got another best of 2012 post. This time round, it’s provided by Oli Gardner of Unbounce, and he has listed 52 intriguing stats from the world of marketing for the past year, all in quick, bite-size form and with corresponding “Tweet this” links. What more could you want? These 52 statistics have also been broken down into several categories, and he’s even included his own top 5, the headliner of these being that you’re more likely to survive a plane crash than click a banner ad. In fairness, me clicking a daft banner ad is about as likely as me preventing a plane crash with sticky-tape, Father Ted style.
Why not Tweet Oli’s Blog here:

Why the Google+ Paid Page Promotion Plan Will Be Better Than Facebook’s
Mark Traphagen

It seems like Google are looking into offering Google+ users to advertise their pages via AdWords. It all stems from when an option appeared on a user’s (Michelle Marie) Google+ profile, claiming “Want more followers? Advertise your Google+ page”. This user was eventually led to a 404 page, but it shows that this seems to be in the pipeline. Mark Traphagen’s latest post indicates how he feels that it will be far more fruitful and successful that Facebook’s paid page promotion scheme. He goes on to claim how these Google+ page ads will be far less intrusive and obstructive than their Facebook counterpart’s version.
Why not Tweet Mark’s Blog here:
Using Reddit for Traffic, Social Signals and SERP Improvements
Edmond Major

Reddit is an interesting website to say the least; a gander a front page mainly provides memes and kittens. Though, it pulls a shed-load of traffic (46 millions unique visitors in October), and if you get something on the front page, you’ve hit a goldmine.  This in mind, Edmond Major of Bluereach has experimented with this, to see how much traffic his website can get, and how Reddit traffic works. Edmond posted links on Reddit regarding products on one of his websites, and as his post details, he reaped the rewards. He goes on to review the traffic which his site received, what precautions he took for this experiment, etc.
Why not Tweet Edmond’s Blog here:

Big Brand Link Building: Identifying Link Opportunities via Misspellings
John-Henry Scherck

We’ve all made typos when typing in our favourite websites, haven’t we? Well, in John-Henry Scherck’s first post on his new blog, he’s described how businesses can take advantage of this. He suggests using the Keyword Misspelling Tool, provided by Aaron Paul. With this tool, you type in the name of your domain, and his tool provides you with common misspellings of said domain. The crux of this post is a simple, helpful 7 part guide regarding using this tool in conjunction with the Majestic SEO bulk backlink checker tool to find a possible cornucopia of link potential.
Why not Tweet John’s Blog here:

That’ll be it for this week’s round-up; I thoroughly hope that you enjoyed this, and the wonderful content created by those we referred to. Feel free to give your opinion below, and share this post and the posts which we’ve mentioned. You can do this by clicking the “Tweet” button beside the corresponding post.

Finally, I hope you all have a lovely Christmas/New Year 🙂

Qasim Majid About the author
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11 years ago

Thanks for posting my article about Google+ page promotion! I've just published what I think is an even more important one: why I believe Google+ will never have paid ads: http://www.virante.org/blog/2012/12/21/google-plus-ads-will-there-be-any-what-will-they-look-like/.

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