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Search Engine Weekly Roundup #15

Search Engine Weekly Roundup

The Search Engine Weekly Roundup is where I give you a list of the finest blogs from the week, revolving around SEO, CRO, Social Media, Marketing, etc. This week looks at reverse guest posting, examples of outreach emails, social media marketing, and why Tom Cruise should be your content strategist.

How to Build Your Presence with Reverse Guest Posting
Peter Attia

Starting things off this week, we have a very familiar topic: guest posting. Though, this post is a slight twist on it, as Peter Attia’s latest contribution to the Cucumber Nebula blog is about reverse guest posting: getting others to write on your blog. As the post states, when somebody writes a guest post for another blog, they will share it with their followers, giving you a whole new set of readers. This post really covers all the bases of this process, with information on who to look for and how to find them, the overall outreach process, what to do the when the post goes live, as well as possibly returning the favour on their blog.
Tweet Peter’s Blog:

Outreach Examples
Guest Post Labs

Dovetailing with the previous post, the folk at Guest Post Labs have compiled a massive list of outreach example emails. One interesting item to note about this post is that it contains both successful and poor examples of outreach emails. For example, it contains emails from Ari Herzog’s 6 Guest Blogging Emails That Suck. Personally, I like that. It’s always helpful to see negative examples so that you know what to avoid in your own outreach attempts. Coming up with the right pitch in the outreach process is the real make or break part of it all, so having a resource such as this is fantastic. This post is also ever-growing, seeing as you can submit your own outreach email examples via a handy template that they’ve provided.
Tweet Guest Post Labs’ Blog:

21 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Pros
Cindy King 

Cindy King of Social Media Examiner has collated the views of 21 of the leading social media marketers, all regarding tips on how you can get the best out of your social media marketing, and what you can do right now to improve your strategy. Tips in this post include:
Like Your Customers on Facebook: In doing this, you can help build a direct relationship with your customers
Ask Your Audience Anything: Doing this gives your viewership a voice and will get people involved
Meet in Person or “Virtually Connect”: Organise something such as a Google+ Hangout in order to, in conjunction with the previous 2, build closer relationships and interactive with people.
There is a plethora of knowledge in this blog post, so it’s definitely worth reading.
Tweet Cindy’s Blog:

Why Tom Cruise Should Be Your Content Strategist
Katie L Fetting 

The final post in this week’s round-up comes from Katie L Fetting via the Portent blog, and it involves Tom Cruise. Yeah, you know, scientology, settee shenanigans, that bloke.  This post is about his finest work correlates with a content method known as 70-20-10:
70% Safe, standard stuff (Regular blog post/Top Gun)
20% – Take the 70% and add a kick to it, take some chances (Videos/Minority Report)
10% – Risky, complicated and innovative (Mega resource guides/Tropic Thunder)
As well as this, Katie covers how the 10% content can really get your brand out there, and you shouldn’t be afraid to take risks with your content. This is a fantastic, creative post, and even managed to get a retweet from Tom Cruise himself!
Tweet Katie’s Blog:

That wraps up this week’s round-up; I thoroughly hope that you enjoyed the work of the creators of the content who have been mentioned. Feel free to leave your opinions in the comment section, and if you’ve enjoyed the work which has been cited, you can share it via the corresponding Tweet button.

Qasim Majid About the author
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