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Search Engine Weekly Roundup #17

The Search Engine Weekly Roundup is where I give you a list of the finest blogs from the week, revolving around SEO, Social Media, CRO, Marketing, etc. This week, we look at using video SEO, running an online contest, using the Pope’s resignation to accrue social shares and where you’re going wrong with your content marketing.

Using Video SEO to Steal Clicks, Localise Results and Increase Conversion Rate
John Henry Scherck

When working in the health and medicine field, it’s always going to be difficult getting to the top of the rankings, with pages such as Wikipedia and WebMD taking the top spots. In light of this, John Henry Scherck’s work with a client saw him use video snippets to rank alongside these colossi and receive the traffic seeing as past case studies dictate that the eye is generally more drawn towards a video thumbnail. The crux of this post describes how he and his client went about this whole process, including their keyword strategy, and showing the effects of their video snippet strategy, which saw conversion for their keyword “bioidentical hormone therapy” rise by 400%, increasing profit by nearly $1,000.
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How to Run a Wildly Successful Online Contest
Kevin Espiritu

Kevin Espiritu raises the point that contests are an excellent, tried and true tactic of getting your brand out there, but there are plenty of brands doing going about it the wrong way. This post on the Supreme Strategies blog explains how to run a contest for your brand, detailing;
Using PunchTab – the leading tool when it comes to running a giveaway
What to offer – something that your market will want, don’t make it something obscure
Contest length – seeing as 1 week isn’t nearly enough, the contest should run for at least 2 weeks
The post also covers the entrant system, promoting your contest, and what to do after it ends.
Tweet Kevin’s Blog:

How I Got 1,000 Facebook Likes
Paul Savage

This post really showcases how topical content can be a huge hit, as Paul Savage explains how when Pope Benedict XVI resigned, he quickly drafted up a great little application form for the Pope,  and fired it across social media platforms. It proved to be a success, seeing as of now, it has over 1,000 Facebook likes, 90 Tweets and has been viewed over 4,000 times. In terms of getting the content out there, he explains how he replied to people’s comments via Twitter, announced the running numbers of shares, contacted blogs to further promote it, and improving the content throughout the day.
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Top 6 Reasons You’re Failing at Content Marketing
Dan Tynski

The final post in this week’s round-up is courtesy of Dan Tynski of the Buzzstream blog, and he provides advice in regards to content marketing. He has listed 6 key areas in which companies tend to make mistakes, detailing where people usually go wrong, and how to improve their work in that area. The 6 areas and specifics Dan looks at are:
Scope – Failing to match the scope of your audience
Audience – Not defining your target audience, not understanding target audience’s distribution, preferred content and sharing preferences
Ideas – Failure to meet criteria of sticky ideas, not understanding what has been done before, personal bias
Research – Not finding the most interesting info, poor sourcing
Production and Execution – Selecting wrong content medium, poor production, failing to appeal to emotion, failing to pick a compelling title, failing to see opportunities for extension
Promotion – Failing to identify and promote to key tastemakers, mismatching content, not offering value
If you’re looking to brush up on your content marketing, look no further than this post – this is a very good article which offers excellent advice.
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That wraps up this week’s roundup; I thoroughly hope that you enjoyed the work of the creators of the content who have been mentioned. Feel free to leave your opinions in the comment section, and if you’ve enjoyed the work which has been cited, you can share it via the corresponding Tweet button.

Qasim Majid About the author
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