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Search Engine Weekly Roundup #19

The Search Engine Weekly Roundup is where I give you a list of the finest blogs from the week, revolving around SEO, Social Media, CRO, Marketing, etc. This week, we look at a new Panda update, how to explain what SEO is, how SEO changed somebody’s life, and how a company saw a 262% conversion rise.

Matt Cutts Confirms Panda Update Coming This Friday
Search Engine Journal

At the very recent Search Marketing Expo, Google’s head of spam Matt Cutts announced that the latest Panda update was to be released very soon – likely to be sometime around Friday the 15th – Monday the 18th of March.
The last Panda update occurred on the 22nd of January 2013, which saw 1.2% of search terms affected by it.
Also, looking at this article, it seems that Panda updates will be integrated into Google’s overall continuous algorithm updates. One massive point that Matt Cutts made during this conference is that there will be another Penguin update at some point this year, and it’s gonna be a big one.
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What Is SEO and Why Should I Care?

Explaining SEO to family, friends, and people who are generally unaware can be slightly tricky. I mean, if you’re trying to explain to your mum what you do, and you’re using terms such as link juice and panda/penguin updates, she’ll be a tad confused, and possibly worried. This post breaks down SEO and that it encompasses into a very easily understandable, aesthetically pleasing infographic. It starts with the inception of search engines/Google, and goes through the importance of SEO, how much it can be worth, on and off page SEO, as well as a bunch of fun facts and a #1 SEO tip.
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How SEO Changed My Life
Cucumber Nebula

Wrapping things up this week is something a bit different. It’s not a guide or a piece of news, it’s a very personal story of how getting in to the SEO scene changed someone’s life. Peter Attia’s post details how his life was before he came got started on his career path, to how he met people in the SEO industry who got him started, and how much things have improve for him during the past few years. The change was huge, as he described it:
“All of this was overwhelming and exciting for me. I hadn’t found something I was passionate about since I was a child.”
It seems weird trying to sum up such a great story in a paragraph, so you really have to read this.
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The Secret Reason Behind a 262% Conversion Lift

After a post on the Marketing Experiments blog regarding Phonebooth (a VoIP service company) and their massive success in conversions (a rise of 262%) after a landing page change, fabstelzer of Eyequant has further analysed this. This post goes into this success by looking at their 3 W’s:
What the page is about – In the two compared versions of this page, the newest version of the title provided a much better explanation of what Phonebooth offer.
Why they should care – Eyequant’s ROI value saw that the newer version’s main benefit/headline was slightly more eye catching.
Where they should go next – Once again, the newer version of the page saw a more eye catching version of this, by displaying a “Get Started” button as opposed to a “Get Quoted” one.
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Inbound.org Discussion

Who Took a Chance on You?
Are You Taking Facebook Graph Search Serious?

That wraps up this week’s roundup; I thoroughly hope that you enjoyed the work of the creators of the content who have been mentioned. Feel free to leave your opinions in the comment section, and if you’ve enjoyed the work which has been cited, you can share it via the corresponding Tweet button

Qasim Majid About the author
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