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Search Engine Weekly Roundup #39

The Search Engine Weekly Round-up is a quick collection of the finest articles from the online marketing world that have been released throughout the week. In the 39th edition of this content round-up, we have articles which look at efficient outreach, recovering from Panda, how to identify links to your site, as well as a post which covers a holistic approach to content marketing.

How I Reach Out to Busy People and Get Responses
Richard Marriott

Recently, Richard Marriott of Clambr has written a few blog posts which have collated the thoughts of several top SEOs on various subjects, the most well known of which being his link building tools post. His latest post tells us how he manages to get so many responses in such a short amount of time, via some very efficient outreach. Richard goes into detail as to how he uses just Excel and Buzzstream in order to gather his outreach targets, send out the emails and keep track of the responses, as well as offering a couple of tips in order to ensure that your outreach endeavors are successful.
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How to Recover from Panda Dance
Jason Acidre

A few months ago, Google released their latest Panda algorithm update, with it now having a continued algorithm effect, as opposed to just a sudden apocalyptic burst on to the scene. This continued effect has been coined as being the Panda dance, and Jason Acidre’s latest post takes a look at what he’s noticed it’s release, and what can be done in order to recover from the Panda dance.
Jason runs through several techniques which he has used in order to improve the search visibility and general quality of a website, such as improving landing pages which aren’t performing well enough, updating evergreen content, making the most out of local search, etc.
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How to Find All the Links to Your Pages
Jacob Klein

If you’re tracking how a landing page is performing, conducting some sort of link audit, or just want to see how your hype new infographic is getting on, it’s certainly helpful to see all of the links going towards it. This post, courtesy of Jacob Klein, looks at how you can indeed find all of the links towards a page. Jacob shows how you can use Google Analytics, 3rd party Javascript tools such as Linkstant, paid crawling tools and Google Webmaster Tools in order to identify which sites are linking to yours.
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Why Local Businesses Don’t Need Big Budgets for Their Content Marketing
Matthew Barby

The final post this week comes from our own online strategist Matthew Barby, who has managed to land another post on the Moz blog. The original idea for this post came from a discussion in the office between himself and Charles Floate on the subject of content marketing. In this post, he argues the case that content for small businesses entails everything – the design of your workplace, the employees, etc, and that utilising these in conjunction with your regular SEO/social media efforts can prove to be hugely fruitful.
Throughout this post, Matthew goes over these points in detail, looking at various examples of how businesses large and small have managed to become renowned for their services, as well as providing the thoughts of several SEOs from a thread made on Inbound based on this topic.
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That’s all for this week’s roundup. If you want to share the content which has been mentioned in this blog, click the the corresponding Tweet buttons.
So, what have been your favourite articles over the course of the week? Feel free to leave your comments below.

Qasim Majid About the author
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