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How to Bring Your Social Media Profiles Together


While chatting to some budding Business men and women in Bamboo Zone, a couple of interesting questions were raised that I felt needed some due attention:

  • How do you bring your Social Media profiles together?
  • What social profiles are best for your business?

Now these are both huge topics in themselves, and so I’ll focus on the first point this week, and go into more detail about the second in the next blog – for the sake of fairness!

So what does it mean to bring all of your Social Media profiles together? It could mean several things, like bringing your audience into one central location, or it could mean uniformity between all of your profiles. I like to believe it’s the latter, as this will help with the former!

So how do you unify your Social Media? Is it content, images, audience numbers? Let’s take a look at what you can do to bring some unity to your profiles:


Your Name

This one seems an obvious suggestion, but you would be surprised how many businesses make such a rookie mistake!

If someone is searching for you on Twitter and sees that your username is @MyBusiness, the likeliness is, is that they are now going to look for you on Facebook or Instagram with the same name.

If your username suddenly switches to @My_Business_123 on Instagram, and then @TheBusiness on Facebook, your audience is going to have a hard time keeping up with you!

If you’re struggling to get your name on one profile (say you’ve got @MyBusiness for Facebook but it’s taken elsewhere) try and stick to the original name as much as possible, or make a point of showing off your other profiles on that Facebook profile, so your customers know where to look!


Your Profile Picture/Cover Photo

This is also another obvious point (sorry), but it is vitally important that your profile pictures match across all your Social Media profiles.

I cannot stress how important this is without jumping out from this computer and shaking you until the point has sunk in.

Your profile picture is the first thing your customers are going to see, so your image not only needs to be of great quality, but also needs to be the same across all your profiles.

The same can be said for any profile with a Cover Photo. This is a great place to show off what your business does, so go for it!

Both images need to be the correct dimensions which are:

Social Media Profile Profile Picture Size Cover Photo Size
Facebook 170 x 170 pixels 820 x 312 pixels
Twitter 400 x 400 pixels 1500 x 500 pixels
Instagram 110 x 100 pixels N/A
LinkedIn 400 x 400 pixels 1536 x 768 pixels


You’re welcome!

Bringing your Social Media profiles together through this imagery of your logo and message will help your customers find your profiles, say if you can’t get the same Username information for each profile!


Your Content (it’s a tricky one!)

Now the reason this is a tricky one is that this is where you need to decide what level of uniformity you want from your profiles.

I wouldn’t recommend having the same posts go out across all your Social Media profiles because that means that you’re putting out duplicate content, and your customers aren’t going to like that!

Lots of company profiles find that having an individual niche for each profile vital to their branding. They’ll use Facebook for sharing company news, blogs, updates etc, while Twitter will be used for customer service and then Instagram is used for funny content related to their field.

All these areas are individual, but come together to create a whole image of a company!

While some choose to share the same content across all their profiles, they’ll change the wording so that the content appears different for each profile – plus schedule them for different days, so it’s not the same on each profile each day.


Your Imagery

This one all depends on your content strategy. If you decide to go down the path of sharing the same content but on different days, you need to make sure the imagery is consistent.

You also need to make sure it’s the best quality images you can find. No one wants to view a blurry image of your team celebrating a new product launch. Customers like pretty images and are more likely to share them if they are.

As for the consistency element, sometimes it is good to mix it up across the profiles, but to present a unified front, it’s best to stick to the same image’s profile to profile.


How It All Comes Together

Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together – don’t worry that will be my only A-Team reference…

There has been a point to all this, and why all these little points mean that your profiles are unified. When you profiles are in sync with the all right images, content and names, your business presents itself as an organised and trusted organisation, which should help bring in more customers.

It also helps when directing customers to a specific source. Do you want more traffic to your Facebook group? Give them a reason to go there, with consistency across your Social Media, and building trust with your followers.

Once that trust has been built, you can take your audience anywhere. And that trust comes from consistent and unified Social Media profiles!


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Qasim Majid About the author
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