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#inthezone 2: Standing and falling as a team

Standing and falling as a team

Before we get into the blog post, we’d just like to say we’re very happy with the response we had received on our first #inthezone blog post, if I could give each and every one of the readers a huge shiny medal I would! The readers are what give us the motivation to keep up our weekly blogs, whether it be the Magento articles or #inthezone. Now with that cliché thank you message over, let’s get crackin’!

SarahI want to start with something exciting, so the first topic is our new team member. Meet Sarah, from the wonderful city of Bordeaux! It’s her second week and she really enjoys it here, but tends to complain about the weather a lot (let’s be honest though who doesn’t). Her English is also surprisingly good, and she’s made it her mission to spread the language of French as far and wide as she can. We’d like to wish her luck on her noble quest, and hope she achieves everything she has set out to accomplish!

 As well as this, we’d like to take the time to publicly congratulate one member in our marketing department. He recently passed his Google Analytics exam and we’re very proud of him! Having said this, it reminded everyone in the office that there is no substitute for hard work. Nothing will ever be handed to you on a plate so if you really want something in life then you have to go and take it, period.

 Now to move on to a very nostalgic topic. Wednesday  21st October 2015 marked a very historic moment. Such a historic moment, that it really is worth blogging about. It brought all of the office nerds together to form a 1 minute silence in honour of…you guessed it…30 years of Back to the Future! Although this left some of the younger generation a bit confused, we managed to explain what was going on to those who didn’t know. The look on Qasim’s face when a few people did not know what Back to the Future was priceless, we wish you could’ve been there to see it!

The stakes were raised very high last week as the loser of the foosball game had to go and take out the trash. I know you’re probably thinking “what’s so bad about taking out the trash”, well if you caught a whiff of it you’d literally be eating your words. It’s safe to say with such a horrid smell coming out of the bin bag, Ammaar will not be losing another game any time soon. To be fair to him though, he was applauded for his efforts as it was an extremely close game. Although he was too embarrassed to get a picture, we did get a few words from him. It goes something like this “I’m NEVER losing at foosball again, and whose stupid idea was this anyway?!”.

This week the business focus has shifted towards each member of our team, building on their strengths and weaknesses individually so the whole team is positively affected in the end. Every Monday morning, we hold a meeting where we discuss where we’re at, and where we need to be. If every member of staff arrives on time (9am) for every Monday in a month, the team is taken out for a treat on behalf of the company. A team member (whose name I shall not name) was 3 minutes late to our Monday morning meeting, which let the rest of the team down and ruined the incentive. This made the staff realise that each individual is equal and if one person does not do enough then the whole team suffers as a result. The team is equal to the sum of the parts and if one part doesn’t function then the whole thing goes to ruin! It’s definitely safe to say this will not be happening again, and we’re so confident that we’ve already planned our day out.

That’s all for now, make sure to have a great week folks and stay tuned for the next episode of #inthezone!

 Quote of the week – Safina: “There’s no I in team but there is ME if you look hard enough!”

Qasim Majid About the author
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