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Stop connecting your Twitter to your Facebook account

STOP connecting your Twitter to your Facebook account!

Don’t fall into the trap, connecting your Twitter to your Facebook account is SPAMMY.

It’s far too easy to automatically connect your Twitter account to your Facebook profile, however, it is NOT a good idea to do this. So if you’re reading this thinking “holy crap I’m one of those people”, hopefully this blog will make you take action to disconnect.

The thing is Twitter and Facebook are completely different social platforms with different ways to engage. They both warrant a different social etiquette.

So why do people do it?

Initially it may seem like a good idea to let your friends know exactly what is going across all your social platforms. However, Twitter and Facebook engage socially in different ways. Your community, audience and friends expect different things from the social networks.

If you’re mid conversation with a community member on Twitter, and its connected to Facebook, then what relevance does this conversation have to your Facebook community? None!

In the main, Twitter is a volume based network, you can tweet many times in a day with little or no interaction. It’s because it promotes the fact you can follow hordes of different people, some you’re maybe familiar with and others who are complete strangers. Its loose permission based structure encourages this and therefore you can, in theory, connect with most people.

On the contrary Facebook, is considered a much more personal network. Its permission based, and therefore you have to have some kind of familiarity before accepting someone into your network.

Here’s the biggie, the culture of each social network are poles apart, so combining them could mean alienating your communities.  After all who wants their timeline full of tweets that, quite frankly, make no sense and appear spammy.

STOP connecting your Twitter to your Facebook account!

Qasim Majid About the author
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