The inevitable future of AI marketing
The inevitable future of AI marketing?
It’s happening, isn’t it? Each day we witness (and read news of) newer technology that will assist our lifestyles. Currently, we have our foot in the door for an AI (Artificial Intelligence) world, whereby technology assists us in simple, everyday tasks. Our phones provide a prime example of AI, with softwares such as Apple’s Siri, Google’s Assistant and now the latest AI from Samsung S8’s called Bixby now being common. The race is on for which company can make the best digital assistant.
As general consumption of AI is on the rise, so is AI assisted Marketing. This will provide businesses with new methods to target consumers, giving large corporations the “edge”.
For example, with Bixby there is video integration. An example of this is provided in the Samsung S8 advert, where a video of someone running appears and then, after the user clicks on their trainers, it takes you to the product in the brand’s online store. This is a gold mine for digital marketing, as it will enable companies to cross-promote, sell more and create higher brand awareness.
This technology could be replicated into other “day to day” products such as TVs or even fridges in the future, whereby you can order milk via your fridge. We can take this to another level through AI Marketing, where automated technology can aid humans in making important decisions, as it can help gather a large amount of data and present you with possible outcome or solutions.
Over time, AI marketing will develop further as it will understand emotions/behaviours which are expressed through social media. As CEO of Sysomos Peter Heffering said “social media has always been about people interacting with each other”. As long as posts are automated to individual customer needs, then they will be content with the predictive customer service.
However, the takeover of technology has even caused technological leaders (such as Elon Musk) to suggest putting in measures to ensure intelligent machines can still be under full human control. I mean, we’ve all seen what happens in Terminator with Skynet… hopefully this isn’t the inevitable future of AI marketing we are expecting and we see a less morbid ending.
What is the future of AI marketing? Let’s talk in the comments!
Wow! The power of social media grows….SM will be teaching AI..
Very interesting Article.
Thanks for the comment, I thought it would be a topic that may interest readers. We are welcome to any suggestions, enjoy your day Kiran.
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