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What's next for Wow Zone

What’s next for Wow Zone? – #inthezone 51

What’s next for Wow Zone? – #inthezone 51

2016 has been a heck of a ride, with most wishing that 2017 would just hurry up.

We suffered losses, lived through Brexit and Trump, but, most importantly, learned many lessons the hard way!

2016 meme
Memes like this have begun to surface and it’s quite easy to see why.

David Bowie, Prince, Muhammad Ali, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, all gone but certainly not forgotten.

If life has taught me anything, it’s that losses can make us stronger. So, let’s all bounce back from whatever 2016 has thrown at us and come back better.

For us at Wow Zone, 2016 has been kind.

Aside from the heartbreaking losses and other aforementioned negatives, our brand has been elevated beyond belief, with massive TV and other opportunities presenting themselves to us!

We put in a lot of work to get Wow Zone out there on the web and are now reaping the rewards!


Top 3 highlights of 2016:

I’m going to be reviewing our the 3 biggest highlights of 2016, and then what we’re looking to achieve in 2017. Here goes nothing:

#DigitalZone 1 and 2:

From the start of 2016 I made it clear to my team that we were going to run our own seminar/networking event.

The purpose was to put on an event, but do it the right way. Too many people were jumping on this bandwagon and rushing their events, making amateur mistakes.

I knew me and my team could not copy, but take inspiration from others and add our own unique touch. That’s exactly what we did and it was spectacular event!

DigitalZone 1
One of the people we took inspiration from was Pathway2Grow. They run great events almost every month, a lot of which I’ve attended!



The biggest feat we achieved in 2016 was starring on Channel 4’s very own #TheJobInterview

This was quite an interesting story actually. As you know, we started experimenting with video early in the year and one of our videos landed in the hands of a producer.

Yes, it was a massive surprise when we got the call from a producer saying they were excited for us to be on this TV show!

Our brand reached 1 MILLION PEOPLE! Those were the stats that Channel 4 gave us…1 million…wow.

Not a bad return on making a few videos…


#inthezone 36: The Job Interview

As seen on Channel 4…


The Huffington Post:

This was more recent, but Qasim was interviewed by the Huffington Post on his entrepreneurial success. Not only does that give me a sense of personal achievement, it will positively affect our Google ranking.

Two birds with one stone…

Read the full scoop here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wow-zone-founder-reveals-his-secret-to-entrepreneurial_us_58583e36e4b0d5f48e1651ea?timestamp=1482179999659

Qasim Majid Huffington Post


What’s next for Wow Zone?

There were more TV appearances, Radio interviews and articles written about us, but what I’d like to go into now is, as the title of the blog indicates, the next step for Wow Zone!

BETTER content:

2016 felt like a big test.

We’ve experimented with video, blogs, small scale campaigns, pictures, original images; basically all kinds of things.

We have refined what’s worked and what hasn’t…

Be ready because we’re coming to blow everyone’s mind!

Growing our Bamboo Zone group:

Approximately 1 month ago, Bamboo Zone was created!

It is our Digital Marketing centric group on Facebook for SMEs and start-ups, providing them with enough digital knowledge to allow them to flourish.

We have already received so much positive feedback, including a video testimonial from Neely There

Bamboo Zone Flyer

DigitalZone Awards:

Whilst I can’t give too many details away, we’re planning a huge conference next year. We’ve been contacting huge industry influencers and are very close to securing some HUGE names! This is DEFINITELY one not to be missed.

We’ll be releasing more information soon, in the mean time, you can nominate yourself or another business for an award here – http://digitalzoneawards.co.uk/ 

I’d like to finish by saying Christmas is a mere 2 days away! Enjoy your holidays folks, recharge your batteries and get ready to smash 2017!

Qasim Majid About the author
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