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how to use facebook ads

Why Use Facebook ads?

Facebook has 1.9 billion monthly users and that is bloody astonishing really isn’t it? Over a quarter of this planet’s population choose to partake in viewing endless prank videos, keeping up to date with Dan Bilzerian’s rather enviable existence and finding out what Harry Potter character you are on a shared Buzz Feed Quiz.

It’s an extremely varied, everchanging platform and its endless supply of instant, easily digestible content will continue to satiate the interests of humanity for many years to come.

Due to that objective fact of longevity, Facebook is a great platform for businesses to advertise their products or services. However, the reason for this is not just because of its monumental user base or seemingly long lifespan, but due to the very specific targeting you can conduct.

Facebook can be a very effective method of advertising as you are able to generate the right interest in your business; this leads us nicely onto our first subheading.

How effective is Facebook advertising?

Facebook advertising can be extremely effective but your success really depends on how well you know your audience. There are so many different parameters you can set to target the most niche of individuals including:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Languages
  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Behaviours

The top 4 bullet points are pretty much standard affair but the bottom 3 are where things really get interesting. Through these methods of detailed targeting, you can selectively show your ads to the “newly engaged,” people interested in “photography” or “those “likely to buy a used car.”

As you can tell from that very random list, the targeting options on Facebook are almost endless.

How to target an audience on Facebook correctly?

Unfortunately, there is only one answer to that question and that is to conduct some good old fashioned, thorough research.

Yes, some of you may be groaning at the idea of researching but fear not! Discovering the audience you should be targeting on Facebook is a pretty fun process.

There is a great tool called “Audience Insights” which Facebook provides on their business platform. Here you can type in your product or service in the “interests” section of the tool and it will tell you the age, gender, location and other interests of that audience in percentages.

Obviously, some fine tuning will be required. We would recommend targeting your ads to a variety of different audiences at first and then whittling down which ads are most effective. Try it out and thank us later!


Image Credit – fredericgonzalo

Qasim Majid About the author
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