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Why you need to update to SagePay V3.0

Why do I need to update to SagePay V3.0?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the world of eCommerce, you’d know that the new Sagepay v3.0 is out, making all previous versions redundant by the end of July. Currently, SagePay is running 3.0/2.23/2.22/2.20/, however they won’t be for long. As of July 31st Sage will turn off support for all versions (excluding 3.0), which is why it’s essential to make sure you update your SagePay system! If you don’t, then expect negative consequences. Now it may sound all doom and gloom, but don’t fret, that’s why we’re going to walk you through everything you need to know about the update.

How does the update affect my business?

Now you’re probably wondering – “how does this affect my eCommerce website?” Well, if you’re using Magento, WordPress, Joomla or any other eCommerce platforms that have SagePay as a payment gateway, not upgrading will certainly have an instant, detrimental effect on your business, like not being able to accept incoming payments. Not to worry though, if you’re a stickler for the rules and upgrade in time, you’ll find that the following updates can benefit you in many fantastic ways. SagePay v3.0 offers a number of handy features that cement its status as the daddy of all its predecessors.

What are the main changes in the new version of SagePay?

First and foremost – General updates: There will be bug fixes, security updates (which include tighter fraud screening tools), UI improvements and new functionalities to discover, improving your overall experience when using SagePay.

In addition – New responsive payment pages: Recently, Google announced that they will be favouring mobile friendly sites (also known as #mobilegeddon). Since then, it has been imperative for companies to make their websites as user friendly as possible for smartphones. This ties in perfectly with the update as the new responsive payment pages allow the process of buying to run seamlessly, making this one of the most important parts of the update. If the buying process for the customer is as easy as can be, it generally has a positive effect on conversion rates. Here are the main features below:

  • PayPal Integration
  • European payment types
  • ReD Fraud prevention
  • MasterCard Debit – Standalone
  • Payment Page languages
  • Surcharges (adding additional charges or payments)
  • Basket XML (improved version of the current field passed with your transactions)
  • Customer XML (allows you to improve management of customers)
  • Bank Authorisation Code returned
  • Improved Decline Codes

You can read more about this on the SagePay website.

Finally – New dashboard: A new “MySagePay” dashboard, designed to be the perfect sales snapshot for business owners is included. The Dashboard is a breakdown of transactions that have been made through your SagePay account within a given period. It will provide users with a summary of your transactions, and breakdown the card types, payment schemes, transaction type/channel making it easy for online retailers to obtain most, if not all, sales related information at a glance.

SagePay V3 Dashboard


Above: A demo screenshot of what the new SagePay v3.0 dashboard will look like.

How can I update my current SagePay system?

Sage have released integration kits that will guide you through the process of upgrading your SagePay system, this can be found here However, for the not so tech-savvy people out there, you can start by giving Sehreen a call on 0121 285 0071 or email her directly at Sehreen@wow-zone.com.

Qasim Majid About the author
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