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how to use facebook ads

Why Use Facebook ads?

Facebook has 1.9 billion monthly users and that is bloody astonishing really isn’t it? Over a quarter of this planet’s population choose to partake in viewing endless prank videos, keeping up to date with Dan Bilzerian’s rather enviable existence and finding out what Harry Potter...

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how to rank on long tail keywords

How to rank on long tail keywords?

We’re back again with another quick nugget of digital marketing goodness! Following on from our previous post “how to use long tail keywords effectively,” which explains what long tail keywords are and what to do when conducting your research. I would highly recommend reading that post before...

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How to Make Mobiles Love Your Content

I would put money on the fact that you’re reading this from a mobile device… Looking at recent statistics, 86% of Twitter users access the platform from their mobile device, and 68% of Facebook profiles are using mobile to stalk people or share videos of dancing...

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